Rumination Station

Is that to do list in your mind looking like the CVS receipt of your nightmares? Your control needs are showing!! And we LOVE LOVE when we can identify a feeling. NOTICE that feeling, really take note of it, and give it a name. It can be called rumination. Also known as monkey mind. The hamster that just cannot get off that wheel. What ever you decide, label it and then narrow the focus. Recognize that lists like that are likely the brain’s response to feeling and even BEING overwhelmed (it’s a legit response right now!). Make the list to get it out of floating around in your head. This makes a feeling more tangible and can bring a sense of control. But also take a moment to really recognize what’s realistic and set yourself up for success by making some edits. Identify a top three must do, and give yourself permission to save the rest for later.


Mindfulness Matters


The Figure 8