Emotional Wellness Top 5

Feeling the funk? Make sure you have these top 5 things on lock. They set the tone. They are the foundation for feeling good.

1. Water-  8 - 8oz glasses a day! Thats one cup if you're baking or 8 Starbucks Shorts (not even a tall! Which is actually so small, am I right?)

2. Exercise - Just 30 minutes of light cardio can impact your mood for the rest of the day

3. Nutrition - Eating in a well rounded way with lots of fruits and veggies, complex carbs and lean proteins will give you the best foundation for keeping your energy up and the moody blues at bay 

4. Sleep - Get those 8-10 hours every night! Sleep is when our body repairs itself and stores our memories. When we get the rest we need, we are more likely to default to problem solving, organization, and emotion regulation instead of flying off the handle in times of stress (like now). 

5. Vitamin D - Get out there and soak up that sunshine! Vitamin D will help to keep that pep in your step and give you the best chance at that feel-good feeling. 


Mindfulness Matters